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Fine print is everywhere. Ingredients, maps, instructions, legalese, menus, and more. And let’s not forget very intricate and detailed hobbies and crafts that need the perfect eye for creation.

There’s no need to strain, squint, or guess at what you’re looking at, though, with the Illuminated Pocket Magnifier by your side!

Read fine print, view small details in your crafts, and see what you’ve been missing with these 3 key features of the Illuminated Pocket Magnifier:

  1. 5X magnification
  2. Portable at only 7” in length
  3. LED light provides even and well directed illumination for further viewing assistance

Great for all the little details and helpful for those with poor eyesight, the Illuminated Pocket Magnifier is the perfect portable magnifier that everyone can use!

To get your own Illuminated Pocket Magnifier, visit dreamproducts.com.