It’s been a couple of weeks now, but the cat’s out of the bag! We’ve designed a new homepage and along with that we’ve started our Deal of the Day special!
Not only do we always offer Unique Items at Affordable Prices, but we are also able to bring you new, special, discounted offers every day of the week.
So check back daily to find out what our Deal of the Day is and you might just find that big savings you’ve been waiting for!
I love your products, but now I need your advice, I am looking for a frosting decoration kit. Do you have any or know where I can find one?
Thank you for your time. [email protected]
Thank you for the kind words! This is the first thing that came to mind, our cupcake decorating kit - hope it’s what you’re looking for!
mary nthercutt said:
You have sent to a our news paper a article about Soothing Therapeutic Comfort 24 hours Health Shoes Only $9.99 Save 10.00 off catalog order price .I am trying to find them online you see I can send a money order for them I just do not have a credit card of any kind .If I send the 9.99 in a money order plus tax I do not know how much more that would be though , could or would I get the order?; >
Scott Spooner said:
Here is the toll-free telephone number to our Customer Service department. If you give them a call, I am sure they can help you with the ordering process. 800-530-2852.