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By Linda Denninger

We are half-way through 2020 and what an unusual year it has been, to say the least! We, at Dream Products, are hoping you and your families are safe and well. We are also hoping that this holiday weekend can be a time to bring a little “normalcy” back to our lives and, while taking all recommended precautions, we are all able to see some family and friends!

Are you ready to grill? Check out DreamProducts.com for everything you need to serve up your best dishes!

So much of our days are filled with concerns and talk about everything happening in our world, so let’s take a couple minutes to do two things.

  1. Be Grateful. Be grateful for all the good that you have in your life. Be grateful for all the people you love and who love you. Be grateful for your health, your job, your home, your car, so many things we take for granted, but many others in this world would love to have.
  2. Laugh! They say laughter is the best medicine and I couldn’t agree more. They’ve shown that when you are sad, if you force yourself to laugh, it releases “happy” endorphins into your body, and you do feel better physically. So, here are a couple corny jokes to help bring that pain down:
    • What do you call a lazy kangaroo? A Pouch Potato!
    • How do you fix a broken tomato? With Tomato Paste!
    • What kind of dog doesn’t bark? A Hush Puppy!
    • Where do insect’s shop? A Flea Market!
    • What do dentists call their x-rays? Tooth-Pics!

Sometimes we just need a little silly in our day! Hope this helped to bring a smile to yours.

If, unfortunately, you still are not feeling great, please check out the Native Remedies line we are very pleased to be offering. Homeopathic help for many of life’s medical issues.

Enjoy the summer. Appreciate all the good in your life and above all, please stay safe!